---- 2023 Linoma SPRING Owners Meeting ----
---- 2022 Linoma SPRING Owners Meeting ----
---- 2021 Linoma FALL Owners Meeting ----
---- 2020 Linoma FALL Owners Meeting ----
---- New lots and numbers for Linoma ----
UPDATE: The maps that were below are just a rough estimate of where new lots will be. They will be revised a few more times to ensure that tenants will have as close to their original lot as possible. New maps and new lot numbers will be revised for accuracy and released at a later date. Please refrain from additional emails to any Linoma staff regarding lot location until we have more accuratly revised the lots and numbers. Our apologies for the misunderstanding.
The plan is to move into Linoma on April 23rd unless the Governor signs something saying we can't. For the "back lots": if you'd like to make updates to your lot before the 23rd, please make sure you've paid your lot dues in full. Front lots (1-56) your dues are still due immediately. "Middle lots" are still TBD and will be notified when the time comes.
1) Lookup your new lot #: New lot map numbering.
2) Find it on the new map
3) Compare it with the old lot maps: One & Two
---- 2020 Rent due date pushed back to April 23, 2020 (for "back lots") ----
Covid 19 Update
The due date for rent payment has been extended to the move in date of April 23, 2020 (EDIT: Rent has been pushed to 4/23 for the back lots in between the bathhouse and the HWY. If you want to make lot improvements before the 23rd, be sure you've paid your rent. The front 56 lots' rent are due immediately. Middle lots will owe nothing at this time and will be contacted when available.) . The balance of rent due must be paid in full by that date. If left unpaid for one week thereafter, the subject lot will be re-rented and the deposit made will be forfeited. There will also be a $100 late fee for rent paid from 4-24-2020 to 4-30-2020.
If at all possible, mail your rent and the last page of your lease to Linoma Lighthouse, 1442 Silver St., Ashland, NE 68003. The lease is on this site. We are trying to limit person to person contact. If you must drop off rent and sign a lease, there will be leases in our lobby. We will retrieve your rent and lease after you are gone.
Please call if you are coming to our office or have questions.
Thank you,
Linoma Management
---- 2020 Spring Member Meeting ----
Notes from the Monday March 9th, 2020 meeting
All “front 56” lots (same 56 as last year) can move in on Thursday April 23rd.
All “Middle lots” (from the bath house to about lot 62ish, or where the river came through) are likely going to be able to move in hopefully around June 1st. This will be dependent upon the decision that Sarpy County makes regarding a Conditional Use Permit for this section of Linoma. Before the flood, these lots were grandfathered into the zoning rules. The grandfathering ended when the owners needed to put in all new hookups (or when the river washed the grandfather rules away). All “middle lots” will be pro-rated pricing based off of when/if move in takes place.
The “Back 40 lots” or aka “hiway lots” (Bathhouse to the hwy) They might be ready by April 23rd. The owners will contact you to let you know when they’ll be ready. There could be a potential $300 credit given to these lots depending on when they’re ready.
Other notes
Lot Auction - Tentative date of June 1st for “middle lots” & “front 56” lot auction date wasn’t mentioned.
---------------------End of Spring 2020 Notes---------------------------
View PDF sent to Linoma Tenants
MARCH 9, 2020
6:30 P.M.
Linoma Tenants:
We will be having a meeting on Monday, March 9, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at the Ashland Golf Club located on Highway 6 South of Ashland. We are hopeful that all of you will attend the meeting.
We will be discussing various topics at the meeting including move in date for those campers in the park, the current state of affairs at the Park due to last years
flooding and what to expect for the 2020 camping season.
At this time, we anticipate a normal camping season beginning April 17, 2020 for all sites in the front and those from the bath house in the back to Highway 6. All have been inspected and approved for electric and occupancy.
We are still waiting on approval from the Sarpy County Planning commission and the Sarpy County Commissions on a special use permit which will allow us to proceed with the electrical on all lots in between. We are tentatively scheduled to be in front of the Planning board on March 17 and in front of the Commissioners
on April 14 if all goes well. We hopefully will have all lots ready withing the next 30 to 60 days. Unfortunately we are at the Of Sarpy County. We should know
more by the meeting date.
With the water rising again in the Platte, we are hopeful our new levy will hold.
We will be discussing these and many other topics and hopefully answering your questions on the 14th.
If you have questions or Linoma issues, please bring these to the meeting for discussion.
Please let your fellow campers know about the meeting!
David N. Lutton
Linoma Lighthouse, LLC
---- 2019 Fall Member Meeting ----
Meeting Notice - email to tenants
The Linoma Fall Meeting will be held Monday, October 14 at 6:30 p.m. at the Ashland Golf Club located on Highway 6 South of Ashland. We are hopeful that all of you will attend the meeting.
We will be discussing various topics at the meeting including move out date for those campers in the park, shut off date for water and other services, removal of personal property, etc.
We will also be explaining and discussing the back half of the park. We were hoping to have campers on the Southwest area of the park some time ago, but have been delayed by OPPD in getting service. We have also been informed by the Corp of Engineers that a portion of the levy will need to be removed and replaced.
We are still hoping to have all campsites available by next April, but that will depend on many factors.
We will be discussing these and many other topics and hopefully answering your questions on the 14th.
We will be taking non-refundable deposits in the sum of $300.00 plus tax in the sum of $16.50 for a total deposit of $316.50 between October 1 and November 30 for lots 1 - 56. For those that were not able to camp and paid a deposit last year, it will remain good until your lot is available or you decide not to return to the park.
If you have questions or Linoma issues, please bring these to the meeting for discussion.
Please let your fellow campers know about the meeting!
David N. Lutton
Linoma Lighthouse, LLC
---- 2019 Spring Member Meeting ----
4-15-19 -notes from meeting | Volunteer info here
NOTE: Everything below is still very fluid. Updates will be sent out via the regular channels when they are available.
- Possibly add a road to the island with the new sandbar
- OPPD is requiring 200 amp hookups throughout the whole park
- Email and call regarding your specific lot if you have any questions
- River side lots near hwy 6 will get attention sooner as they are relatively in tact. Actual lot #'s not given/named.
- Hoping to get some $ share with other parties on who can pitch in on the new levy/dyke/berm. also waiting to hear from Corp of Engineers
- No boats in the lake this year: not likely b/c of possible debris. Lake water hasn't been tested but is on the to-do list.
- Bath house and ceptic tanks haven’t been cleaned/checked
- Deposit allows you to keep your lot indefinitely
- Rent won’t go up. As far as they know.
- Lots could be different, they will do their best to get everyone into a lot if your lot was destroyed or doesn’t exist. Lots could be very different.
- Hopefully grant $ can be found from volunteer time.
- There is not insurance available for the type of property that Linoma is.
- OPPD did automatically turn off the meters so that people are not charged. Be sure to call them. March 12th was the last meeter reading.
- Lot rent will be prorated based on when your lot is ready. Owners will to work on an individual basis.
- There is a new road where it washed out around lot 66-ish, it is repaired but not open yet.
- If you are beyond lot 56 please refrain from making repairs to your lot until it gets opened up. A notification will be sent via the website, email and social media.
- Beacon view may provide their dredge for the lake if owners can get it running, otherwise it’s very expensive to bring in a dredging service as it's in high demand.
4-1-19 - Meeting pushed back to 4-15-19 at the Ashland Country Club, 6:30pm (General information and discussion)
3-26-19 - Personal Property letter Tenants
3-19-19 - Letter to Tenants (regarding flooding)4-1-19 - Meeting pushed back to 4-15-19 at the Ashland Country Club, 6:30pm (General information and discussion)
3-26-19 - Personal Property letter Tenants
3-19-19 - Letter to Tenants (regarding flooding)
Meeting pushed back 2 weeks due to flooding April 8, 2019, 6:30pm, at the Ashland Country ClubMeeting will take place on Monday March 25th, 2019, 6:30pm, at the Ashland Country Club
Move in date will be Thursday April 18, 2019 TBD
Get your copy of the 2019 Lease Signing Letter
Get your copy of the 2019 Lease
---- 2018 Fall Member Meeting -----
Owners Agenda for this meeting
---- 2018 Spring Member Meeting -----
Meeting Date: Monday, March 19th, 2018, 6:30pm at the Ashland Country Club
Move in Date: Friday April 20th, 2018
Rent is Due: Friday March 30th, 2018 (Good Friday)
Get a copy of your 2018 Lease and Signing letter
Meeting notes:
Official meeting notes----- 2017 Fall Member Meeting ----
October 3rd, 6:30pm in the Ashland Country Club
Meeting notes:
LTA reform:
other side notes:
That’s all I have.